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Jitendra Singh.

Change the Expiration Period for Service Provider Metadata on Horizon View Connection Server

Applicable only if using VIDM or 3rd party SSO provider to integrate Horizon view for Single sign on

If you do not change the expiration period, View Connection Server will stop accepting SAML assertions from the SAML authenticator, such as Access Point or a third-party identity provider, after 24 hours, and the metadata exchange must be repeated.

Use this procedure to specify the number of days that can elapse before View Connection Server stops accepting SAML assertions from the identity provider. This number is used when the current expiration period ends. For example, if the current expiration period is 1 day and you specify 90 days, after 1 day elapses, View Connection Server generates metadata with an expiration period of 90 days.

Prerequisites See the Microsoft TechNet Web site for information on how to use the ADSI Edit utility on your Windows operating system version.

Procedure follow above Video for quick help

1. Start the ADSI Edit utility on your View Connection Server host. 2 In the console tree, select Connect to.

3 In the Select or type a Distinguished Name or Naming Context text box, type the distinguished name DC=vdi, DC=vmware, DC=int.

4 In the Computer pane, select or type localhost:389 or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the View Connection Server host followed For example: localhost:389 or

5 Expand the ADSI Edit tree, expand OU=Properties, select OU=Global, and double-click CN=Common in the right pane.

6 In the Properties dialog box, edit the pae-NameValuePair attribute to add the following values cs-samlencryptionkeyvaliditydays=number-of-days cs-samlsigningkeyvaliditydays=number-of-days

In this example, number-of-days is the number of days that can elapse before a remote View Connection Server stops accepting SAML assertions. exchanging SAML metadata must be repeated.

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