In my Last post we discussed about how to use FSlogix for our Profile Management
We used registry keys to configure user Profile redirect to a file Share available in your domain.
What Options we have for Storage / Share:
We could use Windows File share with appropriate permissions to users
This windows File share can be on Prem or windows server running into Azure
Azure Also offers File share services ,
We could deploy Storage account and Create Azure file share Which can be integrated with on Prem Active Directory
Or we could also use Storage Account Directly which is supported by FsLogix
We have already discussed How to configure Azure File share / on Prem file share for FSlogix Click here to view the same\
lets talk about using Storage Account directly for Fslogix
we need to make below registry settings to User Machine to configure Fslogix to Store User Profile to Storage Account.
(Required Setting)
Example: type=Azure,connectionString="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=fslogixsapoc;AccountKey=Le6KqVnw43/sm6jpr7ztjqvD+c4vzTSzaCtVAyk8K+8V+uVEpbrQkxrWQo668M7JEbxKb7tgLcRLbzkzXGzq8Q==;"
After configuration registry looks as below:

How to fetch Connection string from Azure Storage account ?
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $StorageAccountName=Get-AzStorageAccount fslogix
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $StorageAccountName.context

and once configured Profile start getting stored into storage Account as containers