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Virtual Desktop Pool Types in Horizon View

Jitendra Singh.

VMware Horizon view comes with many optoins when we talk about different types of pool types. Based on different aspects below are pools that come up with Horizon view.

Automatic pools:

Automatic pools can be complete virtual machines clones or linked-clone desktops.

Full clones pools are automatic but they copy machines from a pre defined template, it creates pool of machine which are clone from a parent template. Full clones require more storage space and don’t have many of the advantages of linked clones as far as ease of management (i.e. they can’t be redeployed easily with settings intact). They behave more like a physical desktop, as they are independent from the “parent” virtual machine after they have been cloned.

A linked clone Take less amount of storage as they rely on a single replica for C drive and thus common storage for read operations, They provide ease of management with features like recompose/Refresh, Each time we need to add any application into pool we need to work on the parent machine.

Manual pools

They are created from existing desktops. Each desktop in a manual pool is generated from a separate source, that can be a vCenter server or a copy of machine from physical resource. You need to install horizon view agent to make sure we are able to add them to pool.

Assignment Types
Now once we created the pool we need to assign users so the can use these pools for their work. there are two assignment type in Horizon view.
Users with dedicated assignment, will always see the same desktop when they log in. They will always connect to their dedicated machines , their work will be saved and they will feel their work follow them any time they connect.

Floating assignment desktops might be different each time a user logs in. and the user receives one of whichever virtual desktops are not currently in use. where desktops are assigned but then reset to a default state upon logout. this is best for call centers use case where all data is saved into server or into cloud and users only use their floating desktops to connect services.

Depending on use case , application requirement and data management needs we should be able to select one out of above mentioned combination to deploy horizon view.

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